Customer Testimonials

Watts Management Services is built on trust and partnership with our Investors and Residents. We are consistently focused on integrity, accountability and hard work.

Property manager Orange County CA

Keith Watts

Keith is a full-service agent with a lifetime of knowledge about our locale, and a bright, energetic, and KIND personality to boot. He made the extra effort himself to make our property optimal for viewers and ironed out the smaller details to move along the process without question. When a prospective tenant was identified, he moved quickly to secure a lease that met both parties’ expectations. He was always immediately available to us for questions and impressed us with his up-to-date information regarding finer points in real estate. I recommend Keith wholeheartedly for your real estate needs.

Christina Palomino

Keith Watts

Keith Watts is an extremely knowledgeable and trustworthy agent… He definitely knows the area well and is one of the few great agents who resides in the area he works in… I know he has his clients’ best interests in mind throughout the buying/selling/renting process as I have see first-hand… I appreciate his attentiveness and the way he really “takes care” of his clients… I would definitely recommend Keith to anyone looking for an agent as I will hire him again in an instant!

Edmond Sahakian